Culture is the shared characteristics of a group of people such as beliefs, values, customs, traditions and art. It is the underlying foundation that helps to shape and guide human behavior. A wide range of definitions of culture exist but there are some key themes that run through all of them. These include that it is learned, shared, symbolic, holistic, dynamic and integrated. It also encompasses the ways that a culture is communicated and transmitted from one generation to the next.
The word “culture” is derived from the Latin term for cultivation and it refers to the patterns of learned behaviour and belief that are unique to a specific social, ethnic or age group. These are often reflected in the social and historical context of a nation or time period. A person’s culture can be influenced by many different things such as their family, environment, education and religion. It can be shaped by the actions of others and by what they watch on TV or read in books. It can also be shaped by the art and music that they consume or create.
Some of these cultural characteristics can be seen by outsiders but many are invisible or intangible to them. It includes a group’s skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, and motives. It also includes the way that a group organizes itself, such as its laws and institutions, and how it responds to crisis or change. Culture also contains a set of symbols that help to communicate a group’s values and ideas. These can be anything from a particular language to a type of dress or food. They may even be a certain type of building or landscape.
The process of acculturation is when a culture is blended with another or replaced by another. This can be on a personal level or on a wider scale such as the integration of new immigrants into an existing community. It can also be when a child adopts the habits and beliefs of their parents or when an individual chooses to live in a different culture than their own.
Cultural expressions can be a valuable resource in creating connections and understanding between individuals and nations. They can be a source of pride and a sense of identity that transcends the differences between cultures. However, the protection of these expressions through intellectual property rights can transform them into commodities rather than a valued asset. This can lead to misinterpretation and misunderstandings, fear, intolerance, prejudice and chaos.
A good understanding of the value of cultural diversity can help people to avoid prejudice and intolerance and to appreciate other people’s viewpoints, beliefs and behaviors. It can also lead to more tolerance and collaboration among individuals and groups and help to resolve conflict. This is important in an increasingly interconnected world where misunderstandings and distrust are leading to problems that could otherwise be avoided. The ability to connect with one another through cultural immersion is a powerful tool that can bring about positive change in the world.